Monday, January 26, 2009


My wife does a good job of blogging about our life, focusing mainly on our girls and of course, her own view of the world. Occasionally, she posts on the House of 42 Doors or she posts something on her blog that applies strictly to the house. The most current one is a good example.

I never considered that living within a quarter mile of a river would have such an impact on the number of animals we've seen in the short time we've lived here. To date, we've seen untold rabbits, squirrels and chipmunks, which is not surprising. We've also seen deer, an oppossum, and numerous birds of prey. We had a pair of Cooper's hawks nest across the street from us, a pair of red-tail hawk nest in the lot next to us, a bald eagle soar over the house several times this winter and now a pair of owls has taken up residence in the area.

Strangely we've seen less rabbits this winter. And come to think of it, I haven't seen one of the neighborhood cats much either.

On a completely unrelated note, one of the joys of having children is that you can recognize other parents and the age of their children, based on what they are subconciously humming. My new favorite kids' tune is from They Might Be Giants. I'm thinking of using this as a guide to live my life - oh and it's terribly catchy.

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